some of our thoughts..

5 ways to add curves and arches to your interior
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5 ways to add curves and arches to your interior

While boxy edges and clean lines may still have their place in interiors, we’re very happy about the fact that curves have taken over the interiors world. Unlike the hard, masculine lines of straight edges, curves are all about elegance, energy and balancing modern and feminine vibes. Here’s how you can incorporate this beautiful and timeless design element into your own interior.

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4 ways to spruce up your home for Valentine’s Day
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4 ways to spruce up your home for Valentine’s Day

Ah, February 14. The day of love, friendship and admiration. Your home deserves some special attention too. And we’re not talking about cheesy heart-shaped pillows or tacky plastic roses. Whether you’re a full blown romantic or prefer to show your affection in a more subtle way, here are four easy ways to style your space in time for Valentine’s Day.

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5 interior design solutions for a plastic-free home
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5 interior design solutions for a plastic-free home

Did you know that more than 8 million tonnes of new plastic pollution enter our oceans each year? Plastic-free July aims to promote positive change by minimising our consumption of disposable plastics. We want to show you how easy it can be to extend the plastic-free habits beyond bamboo straws, keep cups or hemp bags and into the rest of your home – all without impacting on style.

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3 budget-friendly ways to update your interior this weekend
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3 budget-friendly ways to update your interior this weekend

Having spent the last few months doing everything – working, eating, home schooling, even date-nighting – from within the confines of your home’s four walls, it’s fair to assume that you’ve probably grown a little tired of your current interior. Luckily, there are a myriad of quick and easy options to spruce things up without breaking the bank – here are our top picks that you can implement right now.

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Last minute festive Christmas interior additions (that aren’t tacky tinsel)
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Last minute festive Christmas interior additions (that aren’t tacky tinsel)

They call this the silly season, and for good reason; with our Calendars jam packed with events, work projects and last minute errands, you can be forgiven for putting any thoughts of shiny and shimmery décor on the backburner. But with only 8 sleeps left until Christmas, its high time to get your interior ready for the festive period.

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4 Reasons to add linen to your interior this winter

4 Reasons to add linen to your interior this winter

It’s official – Australia has a serious crush on linen (not just the fleeting summer romance kind either). Whether it’s clothing, bed covers, throws or cushions, linen is having an extended moment in the limelight in both fashion and interiors. So, even though the cooler weather is well and truly upon us, there’s no reason to bypass this interior addition.

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May feels straight from Milan Design Week
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May feels straight from Milan Design Week

This month’s feels come to you from one of the edgiest events in the world of design; that is the Milan Design Week 2019, or Salone del Mobile, as they say in Italian.

The fair transforms the city into an exhilarating array of events and exhibitions premiering the latest design trends for the forthcoming year, while luxurious furniture designers introduce their new collections.

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