some of our thoughts..

3 budget-friendly ways to update your interior this weekend
Interior trends concept dcf Interior trends concept dcf

3 budget-friendly ways to update your interior this weekend

Having spent the last few months doing everything – working, eating, home schooling, even date-nighting – from within the confines of your home’s four walls, it’s fair to assume that you’ve probably grown a little tired of your current interior. Luckily, there are a myriad of quick and easy options to spruce things up without breaking the bank – here are our top picks that you can implement right now.

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November is all about colour in interiors
interior design concept dcf interior design concept dcf

November is all about colour in interiors

While furniture and décor can make for a stylish and functional interior, colour is the foundation of a well-executed space. Colours establish an aesthetic connection between objects and can influence our mood. So, in order to best utilise colour, you need to first understand how these colours behave.

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