some of our thoughts..

5 interior design solutions for a plastic-free home
Did you know that more than 8 million tonnes of new plastic pollution enter our oceans each year? Plastic-free July aims to promote positive change by minimising our consumption of disposable plastics. We want to show you how easy it can be to extend the plastic-free habits beyond bamboo straws, keep cups or hemp bags and into the rest of your home – all without impacting on style.

October focus: the elusive element of texture
An often-overlooked element of interior design, texture is the umami of the interior design world – the magic ingredient that makes a room pop. That’s why we’re focussing on this special element this October

September feels: it’s all about the line
From forming the basics of width and height to enabling flow between areas, lines have a profound effect on interior design as they provide a large variety of visual effects. This month, we focus on the interior design element of line.