some of our thoughts..

4 reasons to use natural stone in your home
Our studio is a big believer in using natural stone. Not only does it offer a sense of authenticity, but it can also contribute to the colour texture and value of a property. Plus, there are plenty of different types of stone, so there’s no shortage of choices. In case you missed it, last time we did a write up on some of our favourite types of natural stone. This time we’re continuing with the stone theme to give you four reasons to consider natural stone in your home.

September feels: it’s all about the line
From forming the basics of width and height to enabling flow between areas, lines have a profound effect on interior design as they provide a large variety of visual effects. This month, we focus on the interior design element of line.

August inspiration from the 7 elements of interior design
The dictionary defines an element as an essential part of something abstract – the most basic form of any larger entity. And while each interior may be designed to a variety of palettes, styles and silhouettes, the overall designs are based on a series of core elements – 7 to be precise. This month is all about how these crucial elements – namely space, line, form, light, colour texture and pattern – inspire and guide us in our interior design journey.